Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Oh Lord Youre Beautiful(OS046)(CS153).pro

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Oh Lord Youre Beautiful(OS046)(CS153).pro
Orig Key: D | New Key:

Title: Oh Lord Youre Beautiful(OS046)(CS153)

Subtitle: Key=D

Verse 1

   D            G    D   A
Oh Lord, You're beau-ti-ful
     D       G   D  A
Your face is all I seek
     Bm        F#m     Bm   A     D
And when Your eyes are on this child
       Em7 A7sus A7      Dsus D
Your grace a - bounds to me   

Verse 2

   D        G      D A
Oh Lord, my body's tired, 
    D   G    D    A
but You keep reminding me
    Bm     F#m Bm A    D
Of many holy tireless men
      Em7   A               DSus D
who spilled their blood for Thee.

Verse 3

    D             G    D   A
Oh Lord, please light the fire
      D            G    D     A
That once burned bright and clear
   Bm        F#m    Bm  A      D
Replace the lamp of my first love
       Em7    A7sus  A7  Dsus D
That burns with ho - ly   fear

Verse 4

   D        G     D    A
Oh Lord, my faith is small,
      D      G          A
and I need a touch from You.
     Bm      F#m   Bm   A    D
Your Book of books lies undisturbed,
        Em      Asus A7  Dsus D
and the prayers from me..too few.{tag:CommunionOS}

Key: D